The 4 ACCS continued to maintain an alert crew until May 1992.
Notify the crew: first-degree alert.
At the sound of the Klaxon, all alert crews went to their fighters and bombers, started engines, and monitored the air defense network.
Observed by Meeker's alert crew, he was soon thawing out beside Captain Hillard in the galley of the Merchant.
Why would they have told him who the alert five crew was?
There are various tell-tale signs that signal an alert crew that a kick is about to start.
The alert crews were tested regularly to make sure their response time was always within limits.
Please alert crew.
Each new alert crew took the opportunity to check the airplane themselves.
The board blamed, in part, the Exxon Shipping Company, the tanker's owner, saying the company had failed to provide a competent and alert crew.