In the heart, alcohol reduces the force of heart contractions.
Consuming alcohol may temporarily reduce the likelihood of a seizure immediately following consumption.
George has also proven that alcohol can reduce anxiety and increase self-disclosure for men.
Drugs, alcohol, and nicotine can also reduce the flow of blood to the skin.
Dispossession, disease, violence and alcohol reduced them to a remnant within a generation in most areas.
Don't use ice water or rubbing alcohol to reduce a child's temperature.
"Every year they don't use drugs or alcohol reduces their risk of negative consequences, such as addiction."
He reported that "it's been all but confirmed" that "alcohol, particularly red wine, reduces the risk of heart disease."
All agree that alcohol would reduce carbon monoxide, which is primarily of concern as a direct poison.
However, a 2009 study of 490,000 men and women concluded that alcohol may reduce the risk of thyroid cancer.