GGT is elevated by large quantities of alcohol ingestion.
Many studies showed a relation between the two, however they were limited to short-term alcohol ingestion.
The first human study to assess the long-term effects of alcohol ingestion on cortisol was conducted in 1966 (Mendelson et al.).
Chronic alcohol ingestion can impair multiple critical cellular functions in the lung.
Two girls were taken to the hospital for alcohol ingestion after the party.
Moderate to heavy alcohol ingestion, particularly beer.
A clear association has been made between smoking, excess alcohol ingestion, and the development of squamous cell cancers of the upper aerodigestive tract.
In this situation there may be a familial hyperlipidaemia, the expression of which is heightened by alcohol ingestion or poor diabetic control.
Nutritional deficiencies that cause nerve damage may also result from excessive alcohol ingestion or develop after gastric surgery.
For chronic alcohol users, acute alcohol ingestion at the time of a paracetamol overdose may have a protective effect.