Early alchemy gave sulfur its own alchemical symbol which was a triangle at the top of a cross.
Some transmutation circles seen in the series have not only lines and alchemical symbols, but text written on them, as well.
Green is the alchemical symbol of the primal matter of the universe.
Sulfur was considered important enough to receive its own alchemical symbol.
The album's cover depicts a clock marked with alchemical symbols instead of numbers.
The magnum opus had a variety of alchemical symbols attached to it.
Early European alchemists gave sulfur its own alchemical symbol, a triangle at the top of a cross.
In the upper section the alchemical symbol of phosphorus is shown over a golden woven background.
Only in recent years have scholars realized that arcane alchemical symbols often stood for authentic chemical processes.
One of the traditional alchemical symbols of gold is a king.