The band wanted to break up but they also needed to finish their third album contract to their record label.
It is their second album on Relapse Records from a three album contract with the label.
Records for a £1 million album contract with up to three options, a deal they were dropped from after one album, Grey Britain.
The band signed a two album contract with German label Chrom Records the same year.
It was one of a five-song singles record contract she had at the time with the label, prior to her receiving an album contract.
It is the last album the band has with Outlook Records for their two album contract.
Though Stanley had a ten album contract, he was unhappy with the promotion offered by the label.
It was done to fulfill Ghostface's four album contract with Epic.
This double-album served as the first two albums of his three album contract.
Within a year, Nixon signed a three album contract with Pinecastle Records.