In any case it was an alarming development, as the caliph did not feel that he had the resources to stop Ya'qub.
She tried to ignore this rather alarming development for the moment and took in her surroundings.
Another alarming development is the network of new police psychiatric hospitals - called Ankangs, which means "peace and happiness" - built since 1987.
Did he find these developments laughable - or alarming?
In addition to his other offenses, Edmund Morris is apparently the one we can blame for this alarming development.
A few years ago, such a reconciliation would have been seen by the United States and its allies as an alarming development.
Meanwhile, alarming developments were taking place in the countryside.
'Our sources in the movement are reporting an alarming development,' Paula said.
This was an alarming development in a nation that had long regarded the Pope as Antichrist.
The riots in Rumania were the most alarming recent development.