"I find this conclusion both exciting and - initially at least - alarming...the constraints are tighter than I bargained for."
Dr. Komaroff's group has drawn more alarming conclusions from studying some 175 cases at Lake Tahoe.
The leisure to examine one's talent might result in the alarming conclusion that it is not so great after all.
That is, perhaps, a less alarming conclusion than it might appear.
Nevertheless, David R. Hinson, administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration, warned against jumping to "alarming conclusions."
A study by the New York Division of Criminal Justice Services has arrived at provisional but nonetheless alarming conclusions about discrimination in the courts.
Otherwise, they lead to overly alarming conclusions.
This led her to the alarming conclusion that it was not they who were bigger, but she who was smaller - and a lot smaller.
The alarming and simple conclusion will be that we locked up vulnerable people who had no place in prison.
An alarming conclusion increased his -A&) Demons.