When my wife was working in the neighborhood for a while, we found this nice building, bright and airy, great services, but we backed off.
The group shares space in an airy four-story building, a former convent in the Bronx.
Next to the cathedral is Museum Ludwig, housed an airy building with a rolling roofline.
As of 2008 the hospital, an airy building with brick walls and a tin roof, had about 160 beds.
The campus is a bright, airy and semi-modern building with large pod spaces for group work.
This gave a more open, airy and graceful building.
Their demise would not damage the huge, airy building at the center.
The airy, medieval building remains cool during the midday heat.
The airy, three-storey building with extensive exhibition space is indeed reminiscent of a forest.
Hundreds of cheeses - more than 40 types of chevre alone - are sold in the airy building.