That agreement guarantees the city only $3 million a year for the airport concession, although the authority paid an average of $23 million a year over the last 10 years.
Contracts are awarded on a preferential basis if a business qualifies as an "airport concessions disadvantaged business enterprise".
The two minority companies were invited to participate in the airport concession to satisfy an executive order issued by Mayor Bradley to increase minority participation in city contracts.
Currently, the company Caribbean Airports S. A. "ACSA" is the operator of airport concession.
But the actual effect of the sanctions is likely to be tiny because many of the services are highly local, like operating airport concessions.
"Smarte Carte rolls over E-Z Roller, gains airport concessions."
Eighteen months ago, Carson sold its large airport concessions and airline catering business to the Greyhound Company.
The consultant recommended that the authority continue with plans to privatize airport concessions and sections of the airport's maintenance and operations.
Mr. Landry said that the use of fees from the operators of airport concessions had "been an issue through the years."
Planes land there since 1912, but the airport concession is not obtained before 1955.