Several stumbling blocks impeded an agreement in which the government and the airlines might have shared the cost of claims.
All airlines share the same check in and departure area in the centre of the building.
The board is considering recommending far-reaching requirements on what kind of records the airlines must keep and share.
The department also agreed that the airlines could share information on 5,200 flights in the second year, or about 1,700 per pairing.
Meanwhile, some companies are beginning to ask airlines to share the costs of carbon neutrality.
But for now, he said, the airline is only sharing bargains with its customers.
Under the promise, airlines would share gates during such emergencies, making it easier to unload planes.
But since some airlines will not share this information voluntarily, Congress should make it Federal policy to require truth in scheduling.
Consumer advocates growled, but analysts said the airlines are sharing the pain.
For example, if airlines share a computerized reservation system this makes it easy to monitor and collude on prices.