Other airlines, including Continental and American, have also imposed restrictions on pets this summer.
To offset that, seven major airlines imposed a $30 surtax in May on domestic round-trip tickets.
The airline imposed a voluntary suspension of services in 2004 and ceased operations.
He said the costs of the new measures would be paid from airline revenues, including security surcharges that many airlines impose on international travelers.
After that period ends, the airline can impose new working conditions and wages and the union will be free to strike.
But the airlines can impose limits, particularly on flights involving their partners.
The airline imposed the deadline late last month and threatened to lay off any pilots who refused either option.
Two weeks ago, several major airlines imposed $10 to $20 ticket surcharges but retreated when competitors failed to do the same.
No airline would impose such a restriction itself.
Such logic could lead to airlines' imposing a similar weight limit on passengers.