"A tie-up between the publisher of hotel guides and the publisher of airline guides makes sense," a spokeswoman for Reed said yesterday.
During the long hours of waiting in terminal one in Cairo, I'd flip through my airline guide in search of carriers elsewhere in the world that sounded even more dubious than the one I was on.
U.S. Air Travel Continues to Languish Domestic air travel continues to languish, according to data to be released this week by OAG, the international airline guide.
None of the more established unofficial airline guides offer much help in that regard.
Another popular electronic airline guide is Worldspan Travelshopper, jointly operated by T.W.A., Northwest and Delta airlines.
As specials, the magazine often includes aircraft posters, calendars, airline guides, and airport guides.
According to an airline guide, there are at least 15 flights between Washington and Caracas - none of them on "little" planes.
One official said the airline guide was "inconclusive."
During that climb, the plane evidently turned to head directly toward the Vincennes; it was about this time that the airline guide was consulted.
Congress and many human rights organizations are eager to have the United States "show Mobuto the airline guide" - diplomatic parlance for informing him which planes are available for a quick departure.