Exploring the surface they find it to be a lifeless, airless, barren rock but their curiosity is piqued by some phosphorescent lakes.
She looked around at the airless rock.
Outside was merely airless rock, unblinking stars, and, hanging in the sable sky, the grayish-blue bulk of the world this moonlet circled.
It was heaven compared to the airless rocks of the system that had been the prime rendezvous.
Exile, to a sur-antarctic wasteland of frigid airless rock.
High Lab was a airless rock orbiting a red dwarf.
Bare, airless, waterless rock, of enormous extent.
The planets they did find were uniformly gas giants or airless rocks that nothing could be done with in less than a couple of centuries.
The jets of his backpack puffed briefly and he settled down on the bare, airless rock like a deep-sea diver gingerly touching bottom.
This airless rock was made fit for life with advanced technology and maintained by technologists.