The park was sculpted and created by Antone Martin, a former aircraft worker who died in 1961 at the age of 74.
More than 7,000 of the city's 43,500 aircraft workers will be laid off in the next year.
Along with the airfield and manufacturing facilities, an entire new neighborhood of homes was built for the aircraft workers and their families.
Four thousand well-paid aircraft workers of the city's nearly 64,000 in 1990 have lost jobs.
He photographed aircraft workers in California, capturing the then novel sight of female factory workers.
For some, it was an experience of unprecedented freedom; as a female aircraft worker later recalled, "It really opened up another viewpoint on life."
Hood's father was an aircraft worker, originally from Manhattan, New York.
The aircraft workers earn an average of $55,642 a year.
The city has canceled the summer-job fair for teenagers because laid-off aircraft workers need the jobs.
Year after year, most aircraft workers here contributed 2 percent to 10 percent of their pay to local charities.