Four Soviet MiG-17 pilots took turns firing on the unarmed C-130 when the American aircraft inadvertently penetrated Soviet airspace while on a recon mission along the Turkish-Armenian border.
Though nearly blown apart by the fury of the destroyer's guns, the aircraft crashed close aboard and penetrated her hull near the waterline.
While this attack was in progress other naval aircraft penetrated into Bodo Harbour, where one large supply ship was hit by bombs and set on fire amidships.
When an aircraft penetrates this barrier, the system calculates its position, distance and speed and displays it on the screen.
We are seeing UAVs used more in the shooter role, and aircraft, such as the unmanned combat aerial vehicle, will give us the capability to carry multiple payloads, pull high G-forces, penetrate airspace that hasn't been penetrated before and hit high-risk targets without jeopardizing our pilots' lives.
In case of reactive wind shear detection system, the detection takes place when the aircraft penetrates a wind shear condition of sufficient force, which can pose a hazard to the aircraft.
It said that during the same period, aircraft flying in support of the contras penetrated Nicaraguan airspace 82 times, mostly from the direction of Honduras.
"This aircraft penetrated the surface, but it did not make a very deep penetration," said Victor Gill, an airport spokesman.