The staff, aircraft and equipment of the Air Base participated in many international training missions abroad and at home.
It was reported that the Chinese aircraft will not participate in this edition, due to rising trade competition between India and China.
As part of the test, the aircraft participated in the "Jack Frost" exercise also hosted by the base.
Eighty thousand men, over 200 ships, and 1,000 aircraft participated in the Mainbrace.
Frequently deployed aircraft and crews to participate in training exercises throughout the Far East during this period.
The following year, the aircraft suffered an engine failure and did not participate in the Gold Race.
By now four aircraft and 17 ships were participating in the search operation.
In some years, multiple aircraft participate, executing the missing man formation.
Once again, 30 aircraft participated in the strikes, but this time there were no losses among the bombers.
So many aircraft participate that a computer program is used to figure out a parking scheme.