The aircraft will accelerate slower on takeoff as a result of reduced power production.
The closure rate was well over twelve hundred nautical miles per minute, increasing every second as the two aircraft accelerated.
Conventional aircraft accelerate along the ground until sufficient lift is generated for takeoff, and reverse the process to land.
The aircraft in fact accelerated for a few seconds after touchdown.
The engines got very loud, and the aircraft accelerated as if the pilot had pushed the throttles forward.
With the extra weight the aircraft accelerated like a sick chicken.
In addition, if the aircraft is not accelerating, thrust is equal and opposite to drag.
In addition, if the aircraft is not accelerating, thrust is less than drag.
The aircraft lifted off the runway, fell back and accelerated for about another 15 knots before it became airborne.
The pilot can then fly level just above the runway while the aircraft accelerates in ground effect until a safe climb speed is reached.