In episode 16, it is revealed that he cannot be mutated by a gene-slamming airborne virus.
If he went to Uncle Mick, word of his potential medical problems would run through the family like an airborne virus.
His fear was infectious, as swift as an airborne virus.
Loo-ae produces a deadly airborne virus that could kill every man, woman, and child on the planet.
The airborne virus eventually spreads all over the world, affecting tens of thousands.
Even though his gas mask was off, Leary didn't seem to be affected by the airborne virus.
Though predominantly an airborne virus, is able to manifest itself into various forms and structures.
It seems that an airborne virus is carried down to earth by heavy rain, having a much greater affinity for water than for air.
I've entered all my data, and from what I see, what we're dealing with here doesn't appear to be an airborne virus.
In the early 1960s, an estimated six million children died each year from measles, a highly infectious disease spread by an airborne virus.