Both men looked as if they were out in the plant area, not in an air-conditioned office.
Even in an air-conditioned office, the weather was too hot for her to keep a jacket on all day.
They work in nice, air-conditioned offices and are treated like professionals.
He was telling me - the guy who did the job while he sat back on his fat paycheck in an air-conditioned office.
That could be hard: Saudis prefer desk jobs in air-conditioned offices.
He belonged in an air-conditioned office, dark rumpled jacket and tie.
Wayne Nystrom stood inside his air-conditioned mobile office, looking out the window.
For people in air-conditioned offices, life after the morning commute was a little easier yesterday.
All well and good until we find out it's been using more energy than a regular air-conditioned office.
Sometimes it is simply dry air that causes symptoms in modern air-conditioned offices.