But new clean air regulations, to take effect in 2007, are seen as a deterrent.
The report is the latest piece of evidence to be introduced into the ongoing public debate over clean air regulations under review by the Bush administration.
I also know that you've violated almost as many federal air regulations as Cazaux has.
Aviation officials and flight schools have lobbied hard against all the state measures, arguing that only the federal government should be involved with air regulation.
Earlier this month, representatives of the seven Northeastern states that follow California's air regulations met.
The state challenged the Bush administration over its new clean air regulations, taking issue with the rules that nine Northeastern states oppose.
Yet the new clean air regulations could encourage suburban sprawl (and thus more cars), while hurting the development of industrial jobs in the cities.
The new clean air regulations could have an equally devastating effect.
Assessing the health and environmental impacts of clean air regulations.
Yet this temporary fix is an attempt to meet strict, new clean air regulations that will take effect in 1999.