Work lights around the bridge flickered on and air recyclers struggled to clear the smoke.
With no power to drive the klaxons or the air recyclers, the Base was eerily silent.
The only sounds he heard were the hiss of the air recyclers and the small movements of the people around him.
One question sent the Engineer to join its Watchmakers at work in the air recycler.
There were air recyclers and suffi- cient food to keep two humans going at least four months.
We have air recyclers, but nothing for water except a day's worth in these canteens.
Besides, if these so-called witches can put my air recycler out of order, then I certainly don't want to fight with them.
We can draw power for the air recycler off that, and some lights.
Anansi's air recycler would last another ten hours, maybe, and then they'd be breathing the oxygen in their pressure suits until that ran out.
The fuel cells produce clean water and the air recyclers are good for months.