Aired during 1990-91, in 13 weekly episodes.
The first season aired in five episodes, with Darlene Westgor being the winner.
The programme was aired in two episodes on Monday 16 May 2011.
It aired in 52 episodes each with a running time of around fifty minutes.
The film originally aired in five half-hour episodes on Swedish television.
The first episode aired in 1993 and more than 2000 episodes were produced in the next seven years.
This story was first aired in the U.S. and some other countries in four 25-minute episodes.
The series aired in 13 one-hour episodes from 4 September 1975 to 27 November 1975.
It aired on RTL in 39 episodes between 2002 and 2005.
It aired in two half-hour episodes on December 17, 2012.