Even after the air has frozen, his light will still be up there on the hill.
The cold air rushing in froze the blood on his eyelids.
Do not run, or the air will freeze into small icicles in your lungs and lacerate them.
Metal shattered outward, air sprayed silvery into space and froze.
As it moved away, the air probably froze and fell to the ground, giving 2003 UB313 a layer of ice, he said.
The air turned white and froze as it hit the cold vacuum.
The fold-down cuffs make sure cold air and water don't freeze your wrists.
There was ice round the edges of the windows, where condensed warm air had frozen solid.
The air froze the hair in his nostrils.
Here there was no air, of course, and any air would have frozen solid, in any event.