The original pilot was aired as the last episode of the series.
"Benched" originally aired April 14, 2010 as the twentieth episode of the first season.
It first aired on March 2, 2003 as the sixth episode in the fifth broadcast season.
It aired as the third episode of the season on June 7, 1990.
It first aired on March 30, 2003 as the seventh episode of the fifth broadcast season.
It aired as the third episode of season 6-B, sixteenth in broadcast order for season 6 overall.
It was aired on the same night as the following episode, "Bounty".
The episode was later aired on 8 January 2007 as the final episode.
It aired on 19 February 2009, as the seventh episode of the fourth series.
It aired as the second episode of the season on May 31, 1990.