My clear first choice is to pursue an aggressive diplomatic course of multilateral negotiations aimed at forcing the military leaders out within a short time.
This approach was aimed at forcing Republicans to make some difficult votes.
They said it was part of a pattern of harassment aimed at forcing them to move.
The legislation was aimed at forcing trading partners to open their markets wider to American exports.
It is aimed at keeping us in the village or forcing us to find someone else to take over the plant.
The changes are aimed at forcing wealthy investors to pay more to the Government.
But the diplomatic activity aimed at forcing the Western companies out of the project did not become intense until August.
His decision to put the ideas in writing seemed aimed at forcing the parties to make decisions and not drag out a process of equivocation.
He also has filed lawsuits aimed at forcing Washington to act more aggressively on the problem.
More than 1,000 people have also signed a petition aimed at forcing the council to reverse its decision.