From the first, many saw his campaign as chiefly aimed at building name recognition for re-election to the Council.
In the period covered by the report, 50 channels were already aiming chiefly at markets outside their local area.
The orders of evacuation were aimed chiefly at the Jewish population.
Such confessions magazines were chiefly aimed at an audience of working class women.
The whole book aims chiefly at satisfying the passion of curiosity.
Additional expenditure is therefore needed for an information campaign aimed chiefly at regional and local media, through which the electorate can be most effectively reached.
He showed it to Aldarion, to whom it seemed chiefly aimed.
The proposals are aimed chiefly at coordinating equity and futures markets so that they don't work against each other on days of crisis.
In his translation, aiming chiefly at elegance of expression, Ḳimḥi does not keep to the original.
Those loans are aimed chiefly at breaking industrial bottlenecks.