It was an 'in kind' deal; Miss Primrose owed Father both for herself and for her ailing and ancient mother.
She returned to Burma last April to nurse her ailing mother and became caught up in the swirling protests against years of eccentric autocracy with a socialist face.
This part of the story is driven to another corner, closing the gap between Shankar and Divya, by bringing into picture her ailing mother who finally dies leaving her daughter alone.
Once, several years ago, he'd written to ask her to return to the Highlands for a visit, but she couldn't possibly have left her ailing mother then.
She had lied about her age and marital status, claiming that she was returning home to her husband after visiting her ailing mother in Richmond.
He also cared for his ageing and ailing mother, with whom he grew close and the only person to whom he related his experience for over thirty years.
She keeps her decision a secret from her brother and cousin, telling her ailing mother she has been invited to stay at the country manor.
After her father's death in 1939, Goudge moved to a bungalow in Devon, where she nursed her ailing mother.
The benevolent woman remains awe-struck when she hears about Indranil's demise while she was aiding her ailing mother during the Durga Pujas.
White's career was delayed in the late 1950's while she nursed her ailing mother.