Leaders in the European Union will not take the measures towards fiscal union that would save their ailing economies.
Thank God we're not tied to the ailing economies of the West.
Germany's latest reduction of interest rates is a needed tonic for Western Europe's ailing economies.
The fact that the ailing national economy is dragging on Houston is, oddly enough, evidence of the city's success in recovering from the 1980's oil bust.
Like many European economies, Austria faces a difficult year; its close links with the ailing German economy may give it a worse time than most.
Euro weakness reflects concern over ailing economies Continue reading...
Indeed, despite an ailing regional economy during the early 1990s, Wells Fargo posted healthy gains in that core market.
Yet many currency traders said those steps would not be enough, and that more rate cuts would be needed to revive their ailing economies.
"The policy of stimulating competition against American farmers to try and deal with ailing economies is counterproductive."
The ailing Asian economy, which has kept many of the high rollers away, and the abundance of hotel rooms have kept room rates reasonable.