His course has aided children with minor reading difficulties and even those with severe neurological impairments, including Down syndrome, chromosomal problems or mental retardation.
He is aided in his pursuits with some nifty medieval gadgets, including his enchanted sword and his shield.
This process is aided by the release of iron from iron-containing proteins in the meat, including myoglobin and hemoglobin.
The eradication effort, aided by 20 nations, including the United States, which has no diplomatic relations with Libya, began last December.
She became enthusiastic about rocketry and photographed some of his work as well as aided him in his experiments and paperwork, including accounting.
Their search was aided by the use of sophisticated modern equipment, including a US satellite used to look for evidence of soil movement.
Some manufacturing industries are aided as well, including local artisans.
He has been aided by other prominent neoconservatives, including Paul Wolfowitz and Douglas Feith.
European nations became increasingly involved in the glass bead trade with Africa which consequently aided in the foreign exploitation of natural resources, including slaves.
Mr. Gurien said the county had long aided the medical center with subsidies, including cash and debt service.