Insisting that the Speaker was serious, Mr. Silver's aides circulated to reporters copies of the penal law describing larceny by extortion.
His aides have circulated that idea in the last few days, but the Palestinians object to delays in carrying out the accord.
His aides circulated a report by nine labor economists showing that the raise would affect 7.4 million minimum-wage workers, 61 percent of them women.
His advisers acknowledge that he has not yet signed on to the proposal that his own aides are circulating.
An aide to Mr. Golden has circulated a memo urging staff members to keep their minds on their work.
The leaders squabbled openly at their press conference, and later their aides circulated among reporters, conceding that except for the human contact the day had been a waste of time.
But angry mayoral aides yesterday circulated a newsletter that was issued last winter by Mr. Lisa to his constituents.
Thirty minutes before she was to speak, young aides circulated through the arena passing out armloads of "Hillary" signs.
His aides circulated a letter of support from more than a dozen lawmakers.
In the last week, aides to Gov. George E. Pataki have circulated another proposed bill to overhaul the state's stiff mandatory sentences for drug crimes.