The division then aided the 6th Army in their border-crossing the following year.
Despite this setback, Moscow was loathe to aid Makhno and the Black Army, and refused to provide arms to anarchist forces in the Ukraine.
During the Japanese conquest of Burma in 1942, many of the majority Bamar population had actively aided the Japanese Army.
"Everyone seems convinced that you worked closely with Falhain and Grelun both, aiding the Army of Light rebels in their fight against Ruardh."
The Jammu & Kashmir National Conference volunteers aided the Indian Army in its campaign to drive out the Pathan invaders.
It would aid the Army of the Jihad immensely, and she had every reason to expect that it would lead, at last, to victory.
During the Balkan Wars his cheta aided the Bulgarian Army.
Sapper Tom Hicks thought the survey was to "aid the Second Army when it tried bridging the river."
Having joined the British Army, being well aware that their martial bravery would aid the Army.
TF 4-31 killed or wounded 51 insurgents and captured 148, while aiding the Iraqi Army in the capture of over 1,500 additional insurgents.