The fur, however, is being sold to aid workers and foreign soldiers as souvenirs on local markets.
It was designed to aid soldiers in concealment from older generation enemy night vision devices (NVDs).
During the war, he aided soldiers by providing supplies and holding rallies for those returning home.
She was often known to go into battles to aid wounded soldiers from both sides.
It was design to aid soldiers in combat situations and needed to respond to natural language queries, anticipate requests and adapt to unpredictable situations.
In the film, Betty Pierce played a Mother Superior who aided allied soldiers during the Great War.
This system is intended to aid wounded soldiers in the battlefield by making use of the skills of remotely located medical personnel.
In the news: Sky-high system to aid soldiers.
Most of the women who actively supported the Crown participated by aiding loyalist soldiers or by collecting information for the British.
The congregation created a Hebrew Military Relief Association with a mission of aiding Confederate soldiers and their families.