Justice, who had shoulder problems, thought that HGH might aid in his recovery.
Now a paraplegic, Mamoru had brought her with him to Hawaii to aid in her recovery.
At middle he may not have this problem which will aid in his recovery and cardio.
Individualized Justice links offenders to the services they need and provides services for victims to aid in their recovery.
Bobby rallies the spirits of many of the men, aiding in their recovery.
Her mother, who testified for her at the trial, promised to aid in her recovery.
Piccalilli asks the player to aid in its recovery.
A number of local businesses donated equipment and other materials to aid in the station's recovery.
There he sees his father who had aided in Kenshin's recovery, though he does not completely recognize him.
Donaldson wrote that he was aided in his sexual recovery by an understanding woman who helped him regain his confidence.