True, the majority has not approved vouchers for religious schools alone, or aid earmarked for religious instruction.
This is a category of aid not earmarked for development or humanitarian needs; it is direct support for the government.
Much of the aid earmarked for young people is channeled through major schemes undertaken by several of the member states.
Critics contend that an unstated goal is to secure Federal aid earmarked for bilingual education.
Administration officials said they did not know where the money would come from or how much might be taken from foreign aid earmarked for other countries or other purposes.
Mr. Obey failed to persuade the committee to withhold temporarily the $500 million of military aid earmarked for training and equipping two army counternarcotics battalions.
The most effective way to get needed public investment quickly is through a prompt increase in Federal grants in aid to states and cities, earmarked for increased spending on infrastructure.
As for the aid earmarked for ACP producers, it is not sufficient to enable them to adapt to the new tariff situation.
We know that any aid earmarked for Pakistan would not be used to help the people hit by the floods almost a year ago.
Backing the Republics American food aid, once earmarked for distribution through Moscow, might now go to republics, Administration officials say.