President Clinton has said he is seeking "innovative solutions" for aiding Russia.
Separate Legislation Needed It provides authority to spend $1.2 billion to aid Russia and other former Soviet republics.
Jerry Brown's campaign staff says he favors aiding Russia, but he's managed to steer clear of the subject almost entirely.
President Clinton deserves credit for persuading his allies to aid Russia.
But private analysts say the venture might suffer amid growing Federal budget battles and the ambivalence among members of Congress about aiding Russia.
Mr. Kohl's aggressive moves to aid Russia since the fall of the Soviet Union is a sore point with voters.
That fund has about $15 billion left after it was used, unsuccessfully, to aid Russia in July.
We can and should aid Russia - without attaching intrusive stipulations.
While you may be correct on the need to aid Russia, you are wrong that inflation brought Hitler to power.
President Clinton, in a speech this week to newspaper editors, laid out sound reasons for America to aid Russia.