SDRC (Lemon) is well known globally as one of the first to coin the term "MCAE" (Mechanical Computer Aided Engineering) in the 70's.
Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) : Integration of real processes into the virtual environment.
In September 2009, Waterloo Maple was acquired by the Japanese software retailer Cybernet Systems Group, a group of companies focused on Computer Aided Engineering.
As a researcher, he focused on three major topics: Computer Aided Design, Robotics and Computer Aided Engineering.
CADE (Computer Aided Software for Computer Aided Design and Engineering) platform.
Soon thereafter the combined product suite became worldwide leader in PC based Computer Aided Design & Engineering.
Post Graduate Diploma (in Computer Aided Engineering and Software Development)
Computer Aided Engineering - Calculix, deal.
The incorporation of these units in the Core Programme provides a balance to complement the more 'technological' units of Computer Aided Engineering.
Computer Aided Engineering (Master of Engineering)