It was run by an American agriculture expert.
But state regulators, agriculture experts and the growers themselves agreed on the 3,900-acre figure, which was compiled from annual reporting by farmers.
Several agriculture experts who want to lift European restrictions said that the problem would not be solved by opening up Europe's market.
The quality of the fruit, its sweetness and flavor, is directly proportional to how much sunlight it receives, agriculture experts say.
The estimate was near the optimistic end of predictions by agriculture experts for a 20 to 30 percent drop.
Second, agriculture experts recognize that crop insurance premiums have been errant.
Texas's $10 million fruit industry suffered sizable losses, especially in peach crops, agriculture experts reported.
The cooperative is considered by agriculture experts to be particularly skillful at marketing.
But if the warm days with little rain continue, most may catch up before the end of the season, agriculture experts say.
Still, some agriculture experts and livestock industry representatives say those steps are not enough.