Imagine a dream scenario in which the trade ministers emerge from their negotiations this weekend holding hands and proclaiming an end to all agricultural protectionism.
The idea that our agricultural protectionism harms poor nations is hardly a fanciful one held only by aggrieved third world farmers.
The community contends that some agricultural protectionism is necessary to prevent the disappearance of many of its 12.5 million farmers.
Marlon, why're we all het up about, about agricultural protectionism?
Part of the reason is agricultural protectionism.
"The crucial issue for us is agricultural protectionism in the United States, which is something we will all have to resolve together."
It's also a stunning example of how agricultural protectionism can hurt a nation's general welfare.
Brazil should prevail, and with the peace clause's retirement, more such cases should be brought against indefensible agricultural protectionism.
The link with European agricultural protectionism is nevertheless very distressing in this case as well.
Behind all the arguments about wines and spirits, port and sherry lies raw agricultural protectionism.