The primary agricultural occupations are animal breeding and olive growing, with the remainder largely composed of grain and vegetables.
Moreover, in addition to agricultural occupations, the villagers are engaged in livestock, particularly sheep and poultry.
"Is it true that the Talmud forbids the Jews the study of foreign languages and science, as well as the pursuit of agricultural occupations?"
Narrow tracks bordering the fields provided access for the scurrying life-forms involved in agricultural occupations.
Dairy farming is one of the county's largest agricultural occupations.
Others gave up their agricultural occupations and even left the rural areas together, migrating to find work and livelihood in the expanding urban areas.
The major sources of employment in Heves are agricultural and service-sector occupations.
The majority of the Scheduled Tribes are in agricultural occupations or in mining, quarrying and other services.
Will the current special procedures for sheepherders, custom harvesters, and other unique agricultural occupations continue under this Final Rule?
The earliest agricultural Neolithic occupation is dated sometime between 6000 and 5000 BC.