Away from the sea, the villages maintained an agricultural existence.
Add to this geographical isolation and the difficulties for most of a harsh agricultural existence (where few have the machinery to help in the tiny terraced fields), and you might forgive the islanders if they seemed less than welcoming.
His family members came from two small villages in northern New Mexico, Ribera and Cerrillos, but like many others they relocated to the barrios of Albuquerque when scratching out an agricultural existence grew more difficult.
Arabs have been in the region for almost 1,000 years, and the term has been used mostly to describe those who speak Arabic, as opposed to one of the dozens of local languages, or to those who lead nomadic, not agricultural, existences.
Muslims planners, taking advantage of the course of the river Segura, created a complex network of irrigation channels that made the town's agricultural existence prosperous.
As society moves away from a rural and agricultural existence, fertility is given less and less importance.
In the following millennia, the survivors develop into a hardy but peaceful race, living a quiet agricultural existence.
Top 5 Industrial Revolution Inventions During the Industrial Revolution, innovation and the capabilities of large factories combined to thrust people from a predominantly agricultural existence into a more urban lifestyle.
The Industrial Revolution - an innovative time period between the mid-18th and 19th centuries - thrust people from a predominantly agricultural existence into a more urban style of life.