Another manifestation, she thought, could be the innate genius they displayed for creating agricultural disasters.
However, cooling such as may occur beginning about 2018 would be an agricultural and national disaster as no one is farming north of us.
During a period which saw a series of man-made agricultural disasters, he was also extremely fast in responding to problems, although not with real solutions.
In the past, farmers and ranchers sometimes had to wait several years to receive assistance from Congress when agricultural disaster struck.
It represented a serious failure of the early Soviet leadership to admit to having made a mistake even in the face of agricultural disaster.
Mr. Crawford has called the case the largest agricultural disaster caused by human error in American history.
He wrote about the meticulous and proper cultivation of each crop, as well as how to avoid agricultural disasters in the process.
He has asked Gov. Lawton Chiles to declare agricultural disasters in 18 counties.
According to some, it protects Bessan of agricultural disasters that have devastated some nearby villages (hail, frost).
The Year Without a Summer was an agricultural disaster.