In addition to national organic standards (and not ones defined by agribusiness giants), a British practice we Americans could happily adopt is the labeling of vegetarian foods.
But some large investors said that such changes did not go far enough in addressing the problems at Archer-Daniels, the agribusiness giant.
Among those who noticed was Monsanto, the St. Louis-based agribusiness giant.
The higher tariff, if it sticks, would be a big setback for Perdue, for this is a market to make an agribusiness giant salivate.
He's just whipping up poor farm laborers to riot because he won't fight the agribusiness giants that own all the land.
(Oh, federally inspected slaughterhouses are few and far between, and unless you're an agribusiness giant, nearly impossible get into.)
In 1998, he surprised many of his admirers in the news business when he agreed to become a spokesman for Archer-Daniels-Midland, the agribusiness giant.
The agribusiness giants like overproduction because it keeps prices down.
Sounding more like Wendell Berry than the agribusiness giant it is, Monsanto declared in its most recent annual report that "current agricultural technology is not sustainable."
The chain banned those from its products a month earlier -a response to a ground-swell of Anticorporate sentiment directed at Monsanto and the other agribusiness giants.