But whether the agreement will protect drinking water quality and public health over the long term is another story.
The agreement would also protect foreign investors in Mexico from arbitrary legal or regulatory decisions.
Black's agreement with federal prosecutors did not protect him from state prosecution.
A nondisclosure agreement can protect any type of information that is not generally known.
He had been insisting that his agreement with Paramount would protect him against interlopers.
One of her main complaints is that the agreement does not protect sexual equality, a point on which other feminists disagree.
But the governor said his agreement would protect the landowners.
The agreement, they said, would also protect them in case the agency set more stringent rules on coal plants in the future.
The agreement would also protect significant stands of the remaining evergreen trees that range in age from 200 to 1,000 years old.
This agreement protects the due process and professional dignity of our members.