The revisions barred any new taxes beyond a 5 percent property tax increase that had been agreed to last year as part of a long-range plan.
The cuts in domestic social programs help Congress keep within the spending limits it agreed to last year with the Administration to balance the budget.
The budget would put into effect tax cuts agreed to last year.
The talks also focused on the need to persuade dissident rebel groups to sign on to a cease-fire agreed to last year.
Unfortunately, this agreement does little more than reinstate, and slightly expand, a freeze that Iran agreed to last year, then abandoned.
Under the rules agreed to last year, a two-thirds majority voting against the constitution in any three of Iraq's 18 provinces would send the document down to defeat.
The excess, they say, should be used to cut taxes beyond the level agreed to last year.
City Hall asserted yesterday that the Governor was rescinding aid to reduce class size and help with early childhood education that he agreed to last year.
Remember those increased taxes and reduced services and benefits you agreed to last year?
Under the redevelopment plan agreed to last year, the city sold the land to the Port Authority for $20 million.