Terms were agreed to last week, the paper said.
This follows an extension agreed to last week on loans that came due at the end of December.
The printers union at The Daily News has accepted the same economic package agreed to last week by another union.
So the new international protocol banning the use of child soldiers, agreed to last week in Geneva, is a salutary achievement.
A lawyer for the clubs said the Players Association had changed the terms its representatives agreed to last week.
Miller in turn said he was a little bitter over the pay cut the Giants compelled him to agree to last week.
"It's our understanding that those provisions are the ones we agreed to last week," he said.
The merger, agreed to last week, would create one of the largest telecommunications companies in the world, as measured by market value.
The election legislation was agreed to last week after three months of arduous talks between the Communists and the opposition.
The rules are also looser than the ones that American exchanges had informally agreed to only last week.