Pulled through and waited, a helpless cripple, the three agonizing years until the new Choz science could produce a massive regenera- tion.
After six agonizing years crawling through the Yankee farm system, Stankiewicz bounded into the Bronx last April and never left.
Those long, agonizing years had left dark, still places within her.
Hitting them and tearing through their soft guts like shrapnel and putting the luckiest ones in the hospital for a whole agonizing year.
She'd been there for him through all the agonizing years of his youth.
F.D.R. prolonging the Depression by eight long agonizing years, thanks to his idiot economic notions.
The bond was forged in part during the two agonizing years when the men researched her lung-cancer treatment and consoled each other through her deterioration.
The emergence of Darwishland state is what Somalis in the Northern regions were longing for all those long and agonizing years.
For three agonizing years, until 1995, Americans were a tormented but paralyzed witness to Serb atrocities in Bosnia.
After two agonizing years of urban strife and political drift, Los Angeles is moving on.