But Mr. Hayes said, "They inspire other homeless people to stand up and say 'We're aggrieved citizens, we're not bums.' "
The only way these aggrieved citizens can have their complaint mitigated is for Grant's Tomb on Riverside Drive in Manhattan to be dismantled.
By the end of the 16th century, they could theoretically be sought by any aggrieved citizen.
He said the city would help an aggrieved citizen pursue legal action against someone for taking pictures in a restricted area without consent - an occurrence as yet unreported.
Each side brought in aggrieved citizens to support its version of the bill.
Sometimes aggrieved and frustrated citizens take matters into their own hands.
Mr. Siegel maintains many are a product of the frustrations of aggrieved citizens who believe they are not getting justice.
(AntiUBB.com has a long list of actions aggrieved citizens can take to protest.)
Although there is much to be said for freedom of information, it is not clear that it would greatly help individual aggrieved citizens.
It is authorized by the Constitution to rule on the constitutionality of any legislation or executive action at the request of any aggrieved citizen.