The state aggressively advertised a choice of new electricity providers.
"They're aggressively advertising on cable, and we have more limited legal remedies there."
It's not been one to aggressively advertise its identity in a commercial way.
These new market rate apartments were aggressively advertised and available to anyone ready to pay the higher rents.
The agencies advertised aggressively for pregnant women willing to give up their new babies.
One way to capture market share is to advertise cleverly and aggressively.
The industry has changed drastically in the last decade from mostly small local organizations to very visible national operations that advertise aggressively.
Dealers that have been aggressively advertising the program cannot simply stop the ads, so there were concerns about whether the program would continue.
Until now, only Victoria's Secret has been aggressively advertised nationally.
Tohoku Electric is aggressively advertising in newspapers and on television, using a former baseball star as a spokesman.