A fourth race, the Kaynik, are aggressive warriors who initially attack the player's spaceship.
This makes for an aggressive, unpredictable warrior, I'm afraid.
By all measures, Normanton likely owes its name to these new aggressive warriors.
She is portrayed as a very aggressive warrior.
The Scythians were notoriously barbaric and aggressive warriors.
Now it is the turn of Mr. Sharon, the aggressive warrior turned accidental peacenik, to reach out to New York.
Three pictures, three characters: aggressive warrior, noble savage, ordinary guy.
Nekt was an aggressive warrior and led many successful raids against neighboring tribes to capture slaves, food stores, or ritual regalia.
Less aggressive warriors, less slavish workers, less tunnel-visioned gentles.
Mr. Bush's approach was to present himself as a calm, reasonable leader, not an aggressive warrior, in a human give-and-take with reporters.