Her castellan, the haughty Ser Lucas Inchfield (known as the Long Inch for his height, 6-foot 7-inches), is her most aggressive suitor.
But how odd that males are aggressive suitors during one season, only to grow demure half a year later, when women seek them out.
Lambston is the most aggressive suitor; he gives Lady Goldenfleece a big kiss in front of everyone.
So extensive were those partnerships that, when Dome went on the block in 1986, it was inevitable that Amoco would be an aggressive suitor.
Three teams - the Knicks, the Minnesota Timberwolves and the Toronto Raptors - appear to be the most aggressive suitors.
Naomi Murdoch abandons her husband and children in Wisconsin, setting off to become an actress and also to flee from an aggressive former suitor, Dutch Heineman.
Lisa must contend with the complications of the scheme, which involve an aggressive suitor (Young), Robert's jealousy, and her own guilt.
For partisan advantage lawyers will seek to exploit a judge's humanity and, like an overly aggressive suitor with a date, they will go as far as he lets them.
But the Mariners - who have endured a long struggle to find a successful closer - were clearly the most aggressive suitor for Sasaki, who is coming off elbow surgery.
Boston has been the most aggressive suitor, but the Celtics need a third team to make a deal.